
Need Private Coaching to lose weight, have sustained energy and mobility? Live the best version of yourself. I can help, support, and guide you through the process of health and wellness.

Let’s partner together and figure out the obstacles that are stopping you to be the best in your own skin.

Trust me, we’ve got this!

Are you Ready?

Yes, Sign me up!

“I would recommend this program to others who are struggling with weight gain and want to learn how to live a healthy lifestyle. It’s easy to follow and doable. Rafia is very supportive and passionate about helping others towards eating healthy and a healthy lifestyle.”

Yasmeen A, (Entrepreneur)

Gain Back your Energy

“I joined this program for health reasons. I needed to lose weight and avoid further health problems. Physically, I feel great. I lost 17 lbs. I can breathe better and have more stamina to do more work. Also, I have fewer asthma attacks, and losing weight was a bonus. I have learned a lot from Rafia, as to how to eat healthy foods and take care of my body. I will continue this lifestyle since I have had very good results.”

Maria I. (Care-taker)

Learn to listen your body

“Just in a month of coaching with Rafia, all my aches and pain were gone, and I am more active than ever before. I am living a positive life and exercising regularly. Learning about healthy foods and adding them to my diet has given me more energy. Rafia is an excellent coach. She teaches, guides, and encourages every step of the way. She coaches on cooking also. The major learnings which impacted my life are living a positive life, deep breathing, grocery shopping and adding a lot of greens to my diet.”

---Salima Y

Enjoy the food you love

After attending the sessions with Rafia, I learned how to pick and choose foods by reading labels. Grocery shopping was very informative. I have implemented my learnings from this program and have seen tremendous results in my family’s life. Living a balanced life and taking care of mind, body, and soul is the best learning experience of this program.

Khairun J

Health Coaching with Rafia

One on One coaching via Zoom, Skype, or Facetime
Different options of meal plans that works for you
Traditional remedies that helps you in your healing
Ongoing support and motivation to help you move forward in your wellness journey
Accountability to support and encourage you
Unlimited email and Facebook support
Side-Effects: Lose weight, sustained it and be HAPPY, with more energy and mobility

Free 15 minutes one on one Session with Rafia

Initial Health History
Learn 2 tips that you can implement right away to lose weight and feel good

Star Package

3 months one on one private coaching
Initial Assessment of your current condition
Co-create small action steps(bit-size goals) to achieve the best health and wellness
Co-create lifestyle adjustments to increase energy and mobility
Tips to convert UNHEALTHY Recipes into GUILT-FREE recipes that you ENJOY
Learn to enhance digestion and absorption of nutrients
Motivation and encouragement to tackle all the obstacles and feel good from within
Unlimited E-mail support
6 one-hour coaching sessions

Star Plus Package

6 Month One on One Coaching
Includes everything from the Star Package
Guide to traditional foods, spices, and how they impact your daily lives
Co-create meal plans for your busy life
Personal Grocery tour
Manage and sustain your optimal health and wellness
Ongoing motivation and support
Unlimited E-mail support
12 one-hour coaching sessions (Includes Grocery tour)
Enhance your understanding of the food and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance, and health.

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